BBC - Mark Kermode's film blog

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Final Major Project: Tutorial

- Spent the first hour today with Dylan just going through our ideas and agreed in our collaboration to log rushes during the shot just in order to template and experiment with logging and compiling footage after each shoot. - After this we had our group tutorial which proved to be a really helpful exercise:
- I established that my script structure is there but there is a strong need to develop a question. - This question could be the form of a 'fact' - Need to find an inside route that links the story together
- Worked out that me and Cat would share the roles of camera op during the shoot Looked through the assessment criteria in detail:
- 'Advanced' - an understanding of what your project is and where it fits in the industry - Demonstrated in FMP report on how it is delivered outside the university screening. - The context: whats the competition/audience? - 'Cultural Knowledge' - understanding of it's contemporaries with accompanying research. All evident in the FMP report. - Have I tried something new/original? - Being abled to CRITICALLY REFLECT and develop work/time management/ meeting deadlines. Clearly defined ideas

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