Presented our script to Simon today. There are adaptations we need to make to the script, and it also needs to be re-formatted in Final Draft. On top of that We have confirmed our make-up/costume artist for the 5th November and the following Saturday confirmed and booked a studio space for Episode 2 from Dan at From the Hip. our aim for the rest of the day is continue amending and tightening the script.
A Doc about Peter Jackson's Mockumentary - Forgotten Silver
An exert from Chrisopher Guest (Best in Show, This is Spinal Tap) mockumentary, A Mighty Wind
Another mocumentary about MS Paint
Good background research here - make sure you exploit the 'conventions' of doc filmmaking and 'de-construct' the conventions. There is a new mockumentary series coming up from Gervais and Merchant that might also be worth a watch (very much lampooning the spate of 'celeb' docs which have dominated for some time)