BBC - Mark Kermode's film blog

Monday 21 November 2011

Major Project: Shoot Day 3(ish)

Episode 1. A good days shoot. we learnt from previous weeks the perfect time to film was around 4-430 allowing just enough light to film exteriors. One issue that araised was on arrival, me and Dylan went to recce the chuurch we planned to use from the beginning. And on arrival, in the exact spot we aimed to film, a 10 man film crew were set up shooting an indy film! It was starring a guy from This is England aswell! This either showed bad luck or good judgement of location...

Later we continued the shoot, ensuring maximum coverage. We did some actuality for cut aways out on the streets of Acton. We were then approached by the production team we saw earlier. The outfit are actor was wearing was apparently perfect for their shoot! The director soon came out and turned his nose up at poor Payno (our talent)!

Overall we managed to fill the 2 cards and were very happy with our shoot. next task is to log the footage and produce another rough edit to put onto Scenios... Then the edit of our 3 rough cuts will begin!

watch this space

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