Monday, 15 October 2012

FMP: Shoot Day One Reflection

On reflection from day one, myself and Director, Cat have put in place a few amendments to make Shoot Day Two in Chatham even more successful, we have also noted things we could do with on shoot. - We need something to monitor the visuals as you cant always see the viewfinder from awkward positions. - A monopod could work more efficiantly in enclosed spaces (eg Contributors cluttered plot spaces) - Monitoring sound was an issue as the radio mics only indicate peaking on the interviewers pack. - In conclusion a really useful person to have would be a location sound recordist! Next time: - I need to ensure I plug in headphones to the Sony to ensure good sound (I just kept an eye on levels last time) - I will also take notes DURING the interviews to highlight key points that can later be synced up with images.

1 comment:

  1. Sound is so key to your film you must always monitor it throughout the shoot - even if it is the interviewer doing so if there are only two of you (see Nick Broomfield re: sound!!)
