Thursday, 6 September 2012

Final Major Project: Crew Focus

During our discussion with Simon it was agreed we need to clarify and split up the roles in 'Supersede" documentary. My role as Producer/Writer has now been added to the proposal: Writer/Producer – A Project Perspective from Will Tippett Conception of this particular idea was developed on visiting and experiencing the Street End allotment. Tasting the produce and speaking to the people there triggered a response and an understanding of the social importance of the allotment. In order to compose a 15-minute showcase of life on the allotment it is important to get to know our contributors “on their own turf”. Pre-production will consist of a methodic yet personal research and development period where the whole production team will conduct interviews and take in the environment by taking photos and film. Akin to this, as writer, the backbone of the story will be revealed and 1st drafts of guide scripts and interview questions will be composed, vetted and quality controlled weekly as the team discover more about our contributors. Having looked into the style of documentary filmmaker, Dorothy Fadiman, I discovered, after some initial background research, she assembles a crew, contacts interviewees, and starts filming. She watches each day’s footage, chooses the best clips, and allows the film’s story to emerge. Fadiman went on to explain, highlighting the importance of “Finding a good idea; doing background research and putting together a supportive team; then, once you start shooting, opening yourself to the direction suggested by what you see and hear. This is how you allow your footage to tell you where to go, instead of following a predetermined script.” Fadiman’s scripts develop gradually, in the editing room, as she chooses the best clips and rearranges them–all the while slowly building her movie. This is an approach, certainly worth considering working closely with Editor, Dylan Cox.

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