Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Major Project: Opening Sequence

Opening sequence will take the feel of Tales from the Crypt Combined with The Horror of Dracula opening The Tales from the Crypt is taken from William M. Gaines comics:
This horror anthology featured stories of murder, greed, lust, gore and the supernatural, with touches of humor sprinkled throughout, usually with a twist ending of sorts (TV.com)
The Hackumentary will begin with the spooky POV style used in both extracts leading to a blood spattered sign - it includes the theme from Bram Stokers Dracula/Adam and the Ants - Prince Charming/Back from the Dead- Peter Doherty?? . The documentary version in Episode 2/3 will end with a member of the Art Dept. complete with talkback and clipboard, wiping the sign of blood. The following scene sees Struwwelpeter

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